Ms. Shelby Luo

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Hjem> Blog> What is the difference between PA board and anti-static PA board?

What is the difference between PA board and anti-static PA board?

March 13, 2020

The common PA boards in the plate market are anti-static PA boards and conductive PA boards, so what are the differences between them?

Conductive and anti-static universal plastic: PP, PE, PS, ABS
Conductive and antistatic engineering plastics: PC, PC / ABS, PA, PBT, POM, MPPO, MPPE
Conductive, antistatic elastomer: PVC, TPE, TPR, TPU, TPV

Conductive, antistatic high temperature plastic: LCP, PPS, PEI, PSU, PEEK

Permanent anti-static PA board, permanent conductive PA board;

Carbon fiber conductive, carbon black conductive, steel fiber conductive, carbon nanotube conductive, graphene conductive

Applications: transportation packaging, electronics, automobiles, communications; medical devices, mine safety, etc.

The resistance value of conductive PA board and antistatic PA board is different.
The resistance value of conductive PA plate is 3 to 6 power, and the resistance value of antistatic PA plate is 9 to 12 power.
1. The conductive PA plate is to effectively discharge static electricity and avoid charging;

2. The anti-static PA board is to prevent the occurrence of charged ions and make the conflict difficult to be charged.

In fact, the antistatic materials are all conductive. Generally, the resistance value of aspiring antistatic materials is between the 6th power of 10 and the 9th power of 10, which is between a good conductor and an insulator. After the resistance value data is grounded, the person or article with static electricity can complete the relief of static electricity, the static electricity is transferred to the ground with the ground wire, and then the antistatic effect is completed. The conductive PA plate has a small resistance value, and a discharge phenomenon is likely to occur when touched. If it is in an electronics factory, it may damage the product.
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Ms. Shelby Luo



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