Ms. Shelby Luo

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Hjem> Blog> What is Shore A-D of Polyurethane?

What is Shore A-D of Polyurethane?

August 22, 2018
 Shore is the Shore durometer, it is is a device for measuring the hardness of a material, typically of polymers, elastomers, and rubbers.Higher numbers in its scale indicate a greater resistance to indentation, and thus harder materials, lower less and softer.
The term is also used to describe a material‘s rating on the scale, as in an object having a “‘Shore durometer’ of 90.”
The scale was defined by Albert Ferdinand Shore, who developed a suitable device to measure hardness in the 1920s. It was neither the first hardness tester nor the first to be called a durometer (ISV duro- and -meter; attested since the 19th century), but today that name usually refers to Shore hardness; other devices use other measures, which return corresponding results, such as for Rockwell hardness.

Durometer scales
There are several scales of durometer, used for materials with different properties. The two most common scales, using slightly different measurement systems, are the ASTM D2240 type A and type D scales.The A scale is for softer ones, while the D scale is for harder ones.However, the ASTM D2240-00 testing standard calls for a total of 12 scales, depending on the intended use: types A, B, C, D, DO, E, M, O, OO, OOO, OOO-S, and R. Each scale results in a value between 0 and 100, with higher values indicating a harder material.

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Ms. Shelby Luo



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