Ms. Shelby Luo

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Hjem> Blog> What is HIPS high impact polystyrene?

What is HIPS high impact polystyrene?

September 03, 2020

HIPS' stands for 'High Impact Polystyrene Sheet'. 

This strengthens the plastic significantly and turns pure polystyrene into HIPS and results in a very stiff material which is useful for packaging applications. HIPS became a standard, cheap replacement for products typically made from moulded zinc.

High Impact Polystyrene is known for its stiffness, although it is considered a low strength material. You’ll find it in consumer products such as appliances, toys, televisions, as well as in the automotive industry for car components such as gas tanks. Even food service industry products like hot and cold drinking cups can be made of HIPS material. High Impact Polystyrene sheets can be recycled, with minimal loss of properties.

HIPS - High Impact Polystyrene, it is a tough, rigid plastic material with high impact strength which can be guillotined, punched, routered or sawn easily, and is readily available in a wide variety of colours. Used widely for toys, packaging, signs, kicking plates, display and point of sale.

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Ms. Shelby Luo



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